Report 1 Situation: A sales person is reporting to their manager

Let me tell you about my meeting with M Machinery Co. 

They are one of our prospect customers and we hope to close this deal in the first quarter next year.

 I had a meeting with their CFO last Thursday and the meeting went very well.

In the meeting our objective was to explain directly to their CFO about the value of our Solutions and our products.  Their CFO wanted to know about our solution roadmap, our capability including the benefits for their IT landscape.

He told us that he did recognize the value of our Solutions. 

Also in the meeting the CFO stated that he is strongly considering our company and our solutions for their core IT system and we are the primary candidate currently. 

Regarding the timeline for this deal and our forecast, as I mentioned before, we aim to close this deal in Q1 next year.  My strategy is to appeal and try to convince them of our full coverage for their IT along landscape with the complete TCO total cost of ownership for the project. 

Also we will prepare a strategic offer for them regarding the price. 

We are fortunate because we have a lot of references in the same industry as this customer.

When we share our customer references with them this will allow us to build trust with this customer and also we will be able to hear more about their pain points, their objectives and we can answer any questions that they have. 

There is one risk that we face with this opportunity and that is we do not have enough delivery resources for system implementation.. neither internally nor our partners’ resources. 

Also another risk is that we have to think about the pricing because our price is quite expensive compared to our competitors’. 

The CFO told us that they do expect low-cost or at least I would say a competitive price and also fast implementation with a system that will be easy for them to use and Implement. Quickly. 

That’s all for this report.  Thank you for listening.  
If you have any questions, I’ll be happy to answer them.

Comprehension Questions: 

  1.  What were the objectives of the meeting with the CFO?
  1. What is the strategy to close this deal in Q1 next year? 
  1. What risks do they face? 

    *Enter your answers for the Comprehension Questions in the Challenge section*


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